Подборка: Barbara Stanwyck, 28 июн 2019

Illicit 1931 - Barbara Stanwyck, Ricardo Cortez, Joan Blondell, James Rennie, Natalie Moorhead

Classic Movies Kristine Rose
Lots of Joy
Lots of Joy
Thanks for sharing one of Barbara's early daring parts; Joan Blondell is also a favourite co-star; these movies surpass any produced these days.
I so agree with you and the fact you don't hear the dirty language every 5 seconds shows you that a good movie can be made without all that trash. I am in love with the classics. Getting ready to watch this one which is new to me but if Stanwyck is in it , it has to be great.
Classic Movies Kristine Rose
Classic Movies Kristine Rose
There was a clip of Barbara on Johnny Carson where she said something like her biggest career challenge was finding new ways to play a fallen woman. And she did!!
Illicit 1931 - Barbara Stanwyck, Ricardo Cortez, Joan Blondell, James Rennie, Natalie Moorhead
Видео: Illicit 1931 - Barbara Stanwyck, Ricardo Cortez, Joan Blondell, James Rennie, Natalie Moorhead
Видео: Illicit 1931 - Barbara Stanwyck, Ricardo Cortez, Joan Blondell, James Rennie, Natalie Moorhead
Видео: Illicit 1931 - Barbara Stanwyck, Ricardo Cortez, Joan Blondell, James Rennie, Natalie Moorhead
Видео: Illicit 1931 - Barbara Stanwyck, Ricardo Cortez, Joan Blondell, James Rennie, Natalie Moorhead
Видео: Illicit 1931 - Barbara Stanwyck, Ricardo Cortez, Joan Blondell, James Rennie, Natalie Moorhead
Видео: Illicit 1931 - Barbara Stanwyck, Ricardo Cortez, Joan Blondell, James Rennie, Natalie Moorhead
Видео: Illicit 1931 - Barbara Stanwyck, Ricardo Cortez, Joan Blondell, James Rennie, Natalie Moorhead
Видео: Illicit 1931 - Barbara Stanwyck, Ricardo Cortez, Joan Blondell, James Rennie, Natalie Moorhead
Видео: Illicit 1931 - Barbara Stanwyck, Ricardo Cortez, Joan Blondell, James Rennie, Natalie Moorhead
Видео: Illicit 1931 - Barbara Stanwyck, Ricardo Cortez, Joan Blondell, James Rennie, Natalie Moorhead