28 июн 2019

Becky Hill performs 'Like A Star' - The Voice UK - Live Semi Finals - BBC One

Becky Hill performs 'Like A Star' - The Voice UK - Live Semi Finals - BBC One
Видео: Becky Hill performs 'Like A Star' - The Voice UK - Live Semi Finals - BBC One
Видео: Becky Hill performs 'Like A Star' - The Voice UK - Live Semi Finals - BBC One
Видео: Becky Hill performs 'Like A Star' - The Voice UK - Live Semi Finals - BBC One
Видео: Becky Hill performs 'Like A Star' - The Voice UK - Live Semi Finals - BBC One
Видео: Becky Hill performs 'Like A Star' - The Voice UK - Live Semi Finals - BBC One
Видео: Becky Hill performs 'Like A Star' - The Voice UK - Live Semi Finals - BBC One
Видео: Becky Hill performs 'Like A Star' - The Voice UK - Live Semi Finals - BBC One
Видео: Becky Hill performs 'Like A Star' - The Voice UK - Live Semi Finals - BBC One
Видео: Becky Hill performs 'Like A Star' - The Voice UK - Live Semi Finals - BBC One
Видео: Becky Hill performs 'Like A Star' - The Voice UK - Live Semi Finals - BBC One